大地肌理/Earth Skin
I feel the earth underneath our feet; the earth our ancestors walked. And they are walking with us, still.
To see, within
look attentively; the peaks, the valleys and the glistening. within your eyes, viscous earth
your memory beholds
Inhale from the surface of soil. As molecules saturate cavities of your nose; your memory recognizes the composition of earth 
skin to skin
Lightly rest your hand on its surface, skin to skin. Feel  the tingle in your palm; under your hand is  the earth's skin.
Blown Sugar[Glass] @Flux Factory
Thus the blue undulates
The fluidity reprises in ash, delivering softness to its next shape
Sweetness is...
a cloudy appearance of remembering and re-remembering scattered by the ever-present droplets, disseminating in random directions until a moment of equilibrium
Ulysses, did you knock on my door
Blowing, Sugar[Glass] 吹,糖【玻璃】
in between a person and another person, a person and an environment, a person and a piece of history, a piece of history and a material, a material and a person...
Fractal Study
P3303 is a cluster of noun [a poem]
the sugar is constantly transforming from one state to another-- a plant, a candy, a liquid, a memory, a manuscript, a name, many names. 
p3303 is a cluster of noun [a performance]
...but no one remembered P3303, and one of the most ancient names for cane sugar in Chinese.
p3303 is a cluster of nouns [an installation]
Sound Ceremony
Hydrometer: in transition and translation